This blog has been designed to give the teachers and employees of the Hillsborough County School District an outlet to vent, rant, and most importantly share information and suggestions about Superintendent Elia's plan to increase the number of teaching periods from 5 to 6 periods a day while reducing the planning periods from 2 to 1.
We had a tree, a play, wise-men, baby Jesus, carols, cookies, cards, and wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Our insensitivity knew no bounds: we included everyone in our Christmas wishes. We were a 1-12 school - talk about seeing the future! Every year our principal made a feeble attempt at "being" Santa during our Christmas assembly - much to the delight of the upper class men.
Every year the seniors would "intimidate" those 6th graders who would "threaten" to tell the little kids about Santa.
I wonder why she doesn't start a blog (ala April) and join us. Could it be, as Lee contends, that her writing/tech skills aren't up to the task and would reveal she had used the schools PR department to answer newspaper criticism?
The good thing is that her comments, efforts and behavior will reside on the web for a very long time. (File Under: Swingin' Time)
Stay tuned - ESPECIALLY during the election season.
Don't worry either, you may comment without reservation or registration on TheWALL.